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Brettanomyces, Clean wine, Organic, bees, Bio, Natuurwijn, Terroir, alcoholvrijewijn, malolactic fermentation, yeast.

Gepost door JohnCopier 
Brettanomyces, Clean wine, Organic, bees, Bio, Natuurwijn, Terroir, alcoholvrijewijn, malolactic fermentation, yeast.
04 November 2019 18:04
Tim Gaiser, Master Sommelier

It's Only Natural



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9 keer gewijzigd. Laatste wijziging: 30/09/2021 08:04 door JohnCopier.
Vins bio: 12% des surfaces et 1 milliard d'euros de ventes en France en 2018
26 September 2019 16:54
Les vignes cultivées en bio couvraient 94.000 hectares en France l'an passé, soit 12% des surfaces viticoles totales du pays, le chiffre d'affaires français de la filière pesant 1 milliard d'euros, ont indiqué mercredi l'Agence Bio et l'interprofession France Vin Bio.

Er worden flinke stappen gezet.



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The mysterious and not fully understandable wine defect popping up in natural wines: mouse
26 September 2019 12:29
And it isn’t cute.



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You’ve Heard of Biodynamic Wine. Now, Try Biodynamic Chocolate.
16 September 2019 17:23
So you’re obsessed with biodynamic wine. You buy your bottles at specialists like Flatiron Wines & Spirits in Manhattan and The Royce in Detroit, and sing the praises of its ecological benefits. That’s great!



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Natural, organic or biodynamic? What the word on your wine label really means
11 September 2019 17:15
These three terms are all the rage in the wine business – but they can be difficult to decipher at a glance. Here’s a simple guide...



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Alice Feiring uncorks the wine world's newest oldest trend: natural wines
28 August 2019 16:54
In the world of winemaking, there is a seemingly new trend that is all about ‘natural wine.’ But it's actually not that new at all because it can be seen as a throwback to the way wines were made pre-1980’s, before wine additives were a thing. Alice Feiring is considered an expert in natural wines; she has written seven books including her latest, Natural Wine for the People. She spoke with contributor Melissa Clark about the unique process of winemaking and the different wines that it yields. Feiring also shared a list of her top natural wine selections.



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Biodynamic (and Natural Wine) Fake News #3
14 August 2019 17:22
There’s been a spate of articles lately focusing on the “natural wine” trend pulsing through wine world today. In almost every article there is a reference to biodynamic vineyards as a source for these uncertified “natural wines”. This is almost invariably not true, so it’s essential to understand the differences, but real bond, between “natural wines” and certified Biodynamic® Wines.



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Could synthetic wines be interesting?
12 August 2019 12:00
Wine is a solution of lots of chemicals. The most expensive wines in the world sell for thousands of dollars a bottle. The difference between the world’s most expensive wines and the cheap wines most people consume regularly? Different chemicals. So, in theory, if you could isolate all the chemicals in an expensive wine, you could find out which the most important ones were, and produce a synthetic wine. If you could do this successfully, so that your fake wine would be indistinguishable from the real thing by expert tasters, then presumably you have a business opportunity?



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The Future Of Wine Is Organic, Says Salvatore Ferragamo
22 July 2019 17:17
The CEO of Il Borro Wines believes it's the best way to produce quality wines sustainably

As fashionable as some of the world’s best wines can be, the key to sustainable success for any winery lies in its ability to achieve and maintain a high standard. It’s also an ethos the grandson of a fashion icon, Salvatore Ferragamo, knows all too well.



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Buyer Debate: the opportunity for French organic wine
13 June 2019 16:58
For the latest The Buyer Debate we teamed up with Business France to bring producers from different regions of France together with key buyers from across the premium on-trade to look at two key growth areas not only for French wine, but the premium wine category as a whole: organics and sparkling wine.



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12% of French vineyards organic in 2018
11 June 2019 17:43
Organic winegrowing continues to expand in France. In 2018, the number of hectares committed to organic winegrowing (certified + in the switch-over phase) reached 94,020 ha, a 20% increase on 2017. This brings the national total up to 12% of overall acreage. “In terms of surface area, this year has seen the highest level of commitment ever”, explained Dorian Fléchet, from the National Observatory of Organic Agriculture at Agence Bio. In 2018, 13,968 ha started the first year of the switch-over phase, an increase of 61% on 2017.



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Biodynamics is Out, Phrenology is Wine's New Trendy Pseudoscience!
28 May 2019 16:51
Biodynamics is so 2000’s. It’s just not interesting anymore. I’m as big a fan of pseudoscience as anyone, even POTUS (Prevaricator of the United States). I find it yugely encouraging that wine has finally embraced the pseudosciences vigorously. I’m the guy who only drinks wines on a fruit day. Wine on a leaf day? Gack! How stupid is that? Leaf days are for drinking Bud, obviously. I live my life by the pseudosciences. Like I drove my old Ford in reverse downhill the other day because my wife told me Mercury was in retrograde. I even believe in the tongue map, though I almost choke every time I try to re-fold it. There’s comfort in believing things just because you need to despite convincing evidence to the contrary. Like aerators work, and wines taste better in expensive Riedel stemware, and “Sideways” was a good movie, and the wine business treats women equally. Science is about the quest for truth. Screw that. When you think about it, the internet is the most powerful force on the planet right now, and the internet is the death of truth. Which side do you want to be on? Science is for losers.



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Understanding Biodynamic Wine: The Monty Waldin Interview
20 May 2019 17:55
Organic and biodynamic wines are currently a very hot topic in fashionable wine circles. Grape Collective talks to Monty Waldin, a writer who was swimming against the current in the 1990s and 2000s promoting these concepts at a time when overly-extracted, highly-manipulated wine was what was garnering all the critical attention.



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The Myth of the Myth of Minerality
17 May 2019 17:38
Vicki Denig writes a balanced article on minerality despite an ambiguous headline and a misleading introduction. Entitled “Nailing the Myth of Minerality”, she introduces the post by asserting “Minerality is perhaps the wine industry’s most overused, underwhelming, and misunderstood descriptors of them all.”



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Nailing the Myth of Minerality
09 May 2019 15:11
Despite being dismissed as myth by scientists, somms and winemakers still insist minerality is a thing.



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Letters: Natural Wine Is a Fantasy, Naturally
24 April 2019 17:58
Two months ago, Nick Williams wrote a feature on a wave of natural wines making their way into the Triangle. This elicited an impassioned response from Durham wine importer Jean-Christian Rostagni, who says the story’s premise is a fantasy.



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New rules for additives in organic wine
20 April 2019 06:49
New rules came into force for vinification of organic wines on January 1st, 2019. Six new additives are allowed.



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Re: New rules for additives in organic wine
20 April 2019 11:39
“These additives (or process aids), like most other permitted ones, are not horrible cheats or faking the wine; they are rather there to make the wine better.”

Dit soort zinnetjes....
Anderen gebruiken toevoegingen voor bedrog en nep maar wij alleen om de wijn beter te maken.
Ik vind het hypocriet.

1 keer gewijzigd. Laatste wijziging: 20/04/2019 11:39 door RobertKoopman.
Re: New rules for additives in organic wine
22 April 2019 08:44
Staat dat er wel?
Re: New rules for additives in organic wine
23 April 2019 09:43
More Biodynamic Fake News...



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Re: New rules for additives in organic wine
23 April 2019 09:57
What's the Difference Between Sustainable, Organic and Biodynamic Wine?



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Re: New rules for additives in organic wine
23 April 2019 09:58
Organic Wine vs. Sustainable Wine



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Fixed-price | iDealwine’s organic and biodynamic wines
16 April 2019 17:03
We have the pleasure of conversing regularly with winemakers. One recurring statement from the best producers we know is that: “a good wine is made in the vines”. In short, the less they intervene in the vines, the less they’ll have to intervene in the winery. The healthier the grapes, the more delicious the wine. This week, we’ve therefore decided to shine the light on domains which have opted for organic and biodynamic viticulture. These discerning producers deserve our full attention.



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Biodynamics – new approach needed?
15 April 2019 17:10
11 April 2019 We're republishing this free today because we think it is particularly important and interesting.



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Weighing Up the Value of Biodynamic Wine
08 April 2019 17:30
Biodynamics is a growing segment of the wine industry, but is it worth the trouble and cost of conversion?



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Le vin et le bio #7 - Lilian Bérillon, pépiniériste visionnaire
19 March 2019 18:20
Dit is een (klein) bommetje.



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Organic Vineyards Protect Bird Populations, And Birds Return The Favor.
13 March 2019 18:02
Wat een mooi verhaal.



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Re: Organic Vineyards Protect Bird Populations, And Birds Return The Favor.
13 March 2019 18:05
Dit is dichter bij huis.



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Re: Organic Vineyards Protect Bird Populations, And Birds Return The Favor.
14 March 2019 12:30
Ook vleermuizen kunnen helpen.

Re: Organic Vineyards Protect Bird Populations, And Birds Return The Favor.
14 March 2019 18:15
Kunnen is zwak uitgedrukt. Deze beestjes zijn er alleen maar wanneer de biodiversiteit in de leefomgeving in puike conditie is. Zeg maar de kanarie in de mijnen. Trouwens een goed artikel. Ik heb de site opgeslagen. Kende ik nog niet.


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