Wijn kiezen via je DNA.
02 November 2016 18:02
Bij de reclame op de TV denk ik ook wel eens dat de PR-jongens en meisjes denken dat de mens gek is. Volgens mij is dit het bewijs.



Life is always better when I wine.

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Re: Wijn kiezen via je DNA.
02 November 2016 18:45
Haha, je hebt helemaal gelijk!
Re: Wijn kiezen via je DNA.
04 November 2016 09:28
Lijkt wel een moderns soort boeven vangen grinning smiley
"Vroeger" schreven ze criminelen wel eens aan dat ze iets gewonnen hadden en je ergens moest melden om de prijs op te halen.
En dan in de boeien met die gasten!
Of was dat iets uit een film?
Nu vrijwillig je DNA afstaan en hopa in het systeem cool smiley
Het is mirakels.
17 May 2016 17:35
En dat is het.



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Re: Het is mirakels.
17 May 2016 17:58
Ja, als je de chemische componenten van wijn zelf bij elkaar gooit moet er wel iets drinkbaars uitkomen.
Of ik dit prefereer boven het echte spul?

1 keer gewijzigd. Laatste wijziging: 17/05/2016 17:58 door RobertKoopman.
Robotisering in de wijngaard.
29 January 2015 10:53
De wijngaard wordt meer en meer de werkplek van de techneut. Vorig jaar hebben we daarvan tijdens onze Bordeauxreis al kennis van kunnen nemen. De drone als waakhond in de wijngaard. Nu dus deze stap in de techniek.



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Re: Robotisering in de wijngaard.
29 January 2015 11:13
Zal er gerust komen.
Re: Techniek in en rond de wijn
05 December 2019 13:26
New PD-Resistant Wine Grape Varieties Named and Released



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Uncovering the pathway to wine's acidity
10 December 2019 18:08
Uncovering the pathway to wine's acidity

University of Adelaide wine researchers say their latest discovery may one day lead to winemakers being able to manipulate the acidity of wines without the costly addition of tartaric acid.



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What Oak Trees Mean to the Health of Vineyards
12 December 2019 13:42
What Oak Trees Mean to the Health of Vineyards

There’s something iconic about driving through California’s Central Coast and seeing giant oak trees scattered across the landscape. Throughout history, however, not all Californians have appreciated the majesty and value of these trees. During the first half of the 1900s, many oak trees were removed to make way for agriculture and urban development. This, together with poor regeneration, contributed to declining populations of some of California’s 20 native oak species, most notably the valley oak.



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European Commission publishes easy to read winemaking code
12 December 2019 13:54
European Commission publishes easy to read winemaking code

After the publication of new regulations to simplify and clarify EU winemaking procedures this year, the European Commission has published a detailed list of the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) approved oenological practices.



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Robotics Researcher: Specialty Crops to Drive Technology Adoption in Farming
12 December 2019 17:56
Robotics Researcher: Specialty Crops to Drive Technology Adoption in Farming

Carnegie Mellon University researcher George Kantor, slated to deliver one of the keynotes at this week’s Washington State Tree Fruit Association Annual Meeting in Wenatchee, WA, sees producers of high value specialty crops largely driving the robotics in ag revolution, at least early on.



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The science of ‘green’ in wine
13 December 2019 18:06
The science of ‘green’ in wine

Wines are often described as tasting ‘green’. But what does this mean? Jamie Goode takes a look at the science of green wine.



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Canopy management of Shiraz and Semillon to optimise performance
13 December 2019 18:16
Canopy management of Shiraz and Semillon to optimise performance

To remove bunches, or not? How we choose to manipulate grapevine canopies can have a significant impact on vine performance, according to two projects completed in 2018.

A team at the University of Adelaide, led by Associate Professor Cassandra Collins and Dr Roberta De Bei, evaluated a range of canopy management treatments over three seasons on Shiraz and Semillon vines across five South Australian regions, with a focus on how these change vine vigour and yield. Vine performance was assessed using measures of yield and yield components, canopy architecture, and berry and wine quality.

The canopy can be manipulated directly by physically removing leaves, bunches or shoots. However, indirect approaches (such as a cover crop or leaving more nodes at pruning) that induce some form of competition can regulate canopy growth and reduce vigour at a fraction of the cost of direct methods.



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Development of a new strategy for studying the aroma potential of winemaking grapes through the accelerated hydrolysis of phenolic and aromatic fractions (PAFs)

The contribution of winemaking grapes to wine aroma is known to be essential and has been a hot topic in wine science for years. However, many aspects of the grape-derived wine aroma remain yet poorly understood. The paper presents a completely new methodological strategy which will be of much help for measuring the aroma potential of winemaking grapes.



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It’s Time to Change How we Describe Wine
19 December 2019 12:40
It’s Time to Change How we Describe Wine

At Wine Enthusiast, Caroline Hatchett asks “Is it Time to Change How We Describe Wine?”



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Putting the Brine in Wine
02 January 2020 18:28
Putting the Brine in Wine

When we talk about salinity in wine, is there a salty element to winemaking?



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Burro Gallery
02 January 2020 18:18
Burro Gallery

Burro is a collaborative robot designed to help people work more productively while building the base for more automation where it is needed most



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Top technology trends from SIMEI
07 January 2020 18:12
Top technology trends from SIMEI

Regular writer Sam Bowman recently travelled to Milan, Italy, to attend SIMEI — the International Enological and Bottling Equipment Exhibition — and its companion event Enovitis Business vineyard technology exhibition on behalf of Grapegrower & Winemaker and has compiled the following report on the equipment and technology that most caught his attention.

Nog even en dan is de robot in de wijngaard niet meer weg te denken.



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Why Some Winemakers Are Using Cement Fermentation Tanks
07 January 2020 18:15
Why Some Winemakers Are Using Cement Fermentation Tanks

For most, cement is the slowly solidifying stuff of funny-looking trucks and sidewalks. For more and more winemakers, though, it’s a useful material that can impart special benefits to an evolving wine.



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The best of the Brett! Digging into Brettanomyces bruxellensis extraordinary genetic diversity
14 January 2020 13:03
The best of the Brett! Digging into Brettanomyces bruxellensis extraordinary genetic diversity

Brettanomyces bruxellensis is considered as THE wine spoilage yeast. ‘Brett’ ruins wines all around the world, producing volatile phenols whose aromas are described as leather, horse sweat or stable and could mask the fruity perception of the red wines.



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How to reduce phthalate levels in wine
18 January 2020 13:38
How to reduce phthalate levels in wine

After several tests carried out in the laboratory with the objective of reducing or even eliminating the phthalate and bisphenol A molecules potentially present in the wine, some methods have been identified that allow to obtain good results.



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Technology to transform vineyard management
18 January 2020 13:45
Technology to transform vineyard management

Helping grapegrowers optimise their irrigation water use will be one of the first outcomes of a $5 million digital technologies project supporting on-farm decision making for winegrape production.



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A model to temporally compare stem water potentials in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.)
27 January 2020 17:59
A model to temporally compare stem water potentials in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.)

Climate change will result in an increase in temperature and an intensification of drought in many regions across the globe (IPCC, 2014). Measuring seasonal plant water status is an essential step in choosing appropriate adaptations in management strategies to ensure yield and quality of agricultural products in these changing conditions...



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Vinificatie en veroudering: hoeveel zuurstof toe te voegen en wanneer?
31 January 2020 17:56
Vinificatie en veroudering: hoeveel zuurstof toe te voegen en wanneer?

In zijn tijd, Pasteur al geïdentificeerd het belang van zuurstof voor wijn en zijn beroemde citaat wordt vaak herhaald: "Het is zuurstof die wijn maakt." Er is veel wetenschappelijk werk verricht over de impact van zuurstof op wijn. Dit artikel is bedoeld om de huidige denken over de hoeveelheden zuurstof die worden, of moeten worden, geleverd aan wijn tijdens de vinificatie en veroudering.



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Space satellites also good for grapes
06 February 2020 18:25
Space satellites also good for grapes

Microsatellites made for orbit have agricultural applications.



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Winemakers embrace a suite of French technology on the road to greater sustainability
10 February 2020 18:12
Winemakers embrace a suite of French technology on the road to greater sustainability

Overlooking the picturesque Coal River Valley in Tasmania's south, Riversdale Estate is preparing to use European technology to produce high-quality wines, with an emphasis on high sustainability.



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Drones Harvest Grape Expectations for Wine Research
17 February 2020 18:44
Drones Harvest Grape Expectations for Wine Research

You may remember the late Orson Welles’ tagline from the 1970s Paul Masson commercials: “We will sell no wine before its time.”



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25 February 2020 18:23

Wine is seeing volume declines around the world as its marquee consumption occasions come under attack from a variety of innovative beverages. Should the industry be scared?



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5 Days and 2,500 Years Under the Sea: Ancient Underwater Winemaking Technique Revived
25 February 2020 18:34
5 Days and 2,500 Years Under the Sea: Ancient Underwater Winemaking Technique Revived

One of the most prized wines of ancient Rome was made with a very unusual step. An Italian winemaker heard it hadn't been recreated in millennia: "I'll do it"



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