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Gepost door JohnCopier 
The Dos and Don'ts of Storing Wine
22 May 2019 13:56
Building a fine wine collection means dealing with expensive but fragile objects. Tom Jarvis looks at the storage options.



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Tracing Gin’s Global Diaspora
21 May 2019 17:54
Whenever gin’s story is told, countries like the United Kingdom and Holland are big parts of the historical conversation. But while Northern Europe and England have made their permanent marks on the gin world, the 21st century is seeing gin evolve in myriad directions. Now, distillers worldwide are part of gin’s growing diaspora, with regional and cultural influences making their way into the bottle.



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Our Sex, Our Wine, Our Dress, Our Time
20 May 2019 18:03
There’s a lot to talk about when it comes to the issue of women in the wine industry.



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Interview: The Major Role of Minor Grapes
18 May 2019 18:24
In a recent conversation with my colleague Geoff Kruth, Eric Baugher of Ridge confessed, “Carignan is my favorite of the blending grapes. It’s just fantastic. High acid, elegant tannins, lots of bramble fruit, even some plum—gorgeous flavors. It really has a lot of Zinfandel-like qualities, so the two of them together reinforce the effect on the palate.”



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New rules to simplify and homogenise EU wine making practices
18 May 2019 18:14
New rules have been adopted to simplify and clarify wine making practices in the EU, a last step in the alignment of the wine legislation to the Lisbon Treaty by the European Commission.



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New EU spirits regulations come into force
18 May 2019 17:39
New rules over the definition, description, presentation and labelling of spirits have been written into EU law, providing increased protection for the sector.



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The regulatory role of ethical labelling
18 May 2019 15:44
A Victoria University of Wellington study has found ethical certification has become a 'tick in the box' exercise in some industries, and fails to address underlying sustainability and equality injustices.



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Vinventions, plus de 790 millions de bouchons vendus en France en 2018
18 May 2019 08:08
En dat drinken wij met z'n allen weg.



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Biertekort dreigt voor WK rugby: Japan waarschuwt speelsteden
06 May 2019 16:41
Dan blijf ik maar thuis voor de buis. grinning smiley



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Re: Biertekort dreigt voor WK rugby: Japan waarschuwt speelsteden
11 May 2019 19:18
Even een tanker Heineken die kant op sturen?
Wine Scores are Not the Problem
09 May 2019 15:08
Polemics against wine scores are a perennial crowd pleaser sort of like your favorite supermarket Chardonnay that gets nods of approval from any crowd you serve it to.



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Wine literature of the world
07 May 2019 09:04
A fascinating look at grape varieties and wine regionsfrom around the world, from the vineyards and wine cellars of AncientEgypt, Greece and Rome to the old and new worlds of wine today.

A highlight is exquisite coloured illustrations of grape varietiesfrom 19th century French resources.



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Tokay or Pinot Gris? What’s the difference?
04 May 2019 12:56
For several centuries, Alsatian Pinot Gris wines carried the name Tokay d’Alsace. Legend has it that during the Middles Ages, the grape variety was introduced to the region by Hungarian merchants who come across it in Burgundy (a mutation of Pinot Noir, in its native region, it goes by the name “Pinot Beurot”).



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What's the point of wine evangelism?
03 May 2019 15:07
It's one thing to try and engage people with wine, says Robert Joseph. But it's quite another to think that everybody has an inner wine lover who just needs to be liberated.



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Are you a label drinker?
03 May 2019 15:05
Hands up, label drinkers… I don’t see many hands. Decanter readers, of course, know better than that. We’re sniffing out value, surprise, intrigue. There we are, at the end of the tasting, still scribbling notes on that Bulgarian Aligoté, trying to find the key words to help us distinguish Sauvignon Vert from Sauvignon Blanc, scanning auction catalogues for consignments of ancient Colares.



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Wine by the glass pitfalls
03 May 2019 14:58
In the ideal world, any wine you order by-the-glass should be in the condition that the winemaker intended it to be.



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Blind tasting exam, MW style: what's it like?
03 May 2019 13:18
Yesterday. I joined in a tasting session with two MW students who were doing a test practical paper. I’ve never done a tasting like this before, and to be honest, sitting down with 12 wines (all red in this case) and an accompanying set of questions is incredibly daunting, even for someone who tastes all the time. What I lack is any training in the way to approach this sort of structured blind tasting: a logical framework to guide me through, channelling what I know in the pressured situation of an exam. So here are my notes, not written necessarily as exam answers, but just to illustrate what is going through my mind. [I haven’t altered them in any way in light of the answers.] I’m a very open sort of person, so please be easy on me posting my raw notes from this tasting. Unless you’ve sat through it yourself, it’s hard to understand how challenging it can be. I think by posting my comments absolutely unedited, they are more interesting and useful for readers. I merely added in the names of the wines. Thank you to Robin for letting me crash your tasting, and to Nikolai for setting the test.



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What’s in a wine label?
24 April 2019 18:05
Often our first impressions of a bottle, here’s how they are fashioned



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Wine is flowing at furniture stores, book clubs — even at work. But is it good for you?
24 April 2019 17:51
On a Friday afternoon, Yvette Vezina settles into her hairstylist’s chair at Tipsy Salonbar in Plantation to get coloring, and to indulge in a cold glass of Pinot Grigio.

“Drinking wine is relaxing,” Vezina said. “I really enjoy it.”



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Belgische wijnboeren maken recordhoeveelheid wijn
20 April 2019 07:02
Succes kent ook zijn keerzijde.



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How different are vintage quality-scores from different sources?
15 April 2019 17:21
En de wijze les is, geloof niemand. Om maar eens een wel bekend persoon aan te halen; ( America First Again)."Eigen neus en mond eerst."



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Re: How different are vintage quality-scores from different sources?
16 April 2019 10:00
"Eigen neus en mond eerst."

Natuurlijk zul je zelf moeten proeven en ruiken maar gebruik maken van de ervaring van anderen kan het makkelijker maken. Ik koop/gebruik hiervoor altijd het juni nummer van La Revue du vin de France. Hierin gaat men verder dan de wijnregio. Ook de kwaliteit binnen de appellations van deze regio's worden beschreven. Dus niet alleen bv Beaujolais maar ook de cru's afzonderlijk. Er zijn altijd verschillen.
Ik herinner me dat ze over de Vacqueyras 2013 niet enthousiast waren omdat in dat jaar te weinig grenache geoogst werd. Ik heb hem toch gekocht en kwam er toen achter dat dit klopte. Heb gelukkig de wijn kunnen ruilen voor 2014 die nu heerlijk begint te worden.
Re: How different are vintage quality-scores from different sources?
16 April 2019 11:19
Ben ik met je eens. Het kan zeker geen kwaad om de aanbevelingen van La Revue du vin de France te volgen. Jarengeleden een abo gehad. Dat liep na verloop van tijd met de verzending naar Nederland fout. Wanneer ik in Frankrijk ben koop ik wel altijd een los exemplaar. Ik heb nu een abo/nieuwsbrief van Le Guide Hachette des Vins. Een paar keer per week wordt een wijn besproken. Of je die dan koopt moet je natuurlijk zelf uitmaken. Ook Falstaff Oostenrijk kan op mijn belangstelling rekenen. En niet te vergeten "Mosel Fine Wines". James Suckling en René Gabriel volg ik blind omdat hun en mijn smaak nagenoeg gelijk zijn. Wat zij goed en lekker vinden vind ik ook goed en lekker. En je wordt met die info nog al eens een pad opgeduwd waarvan je het bestaan niet wist. Ik ben het dus helemaal met je eens.


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Découvrez l’histoire du vignoble d’Île de France
09 April 2019 10:05
Er is al veel over de wijngaarden in Parijs geschreven. Zeker op het oude wijnprikbord. Beslist langsgaan bij een bezoekje aan Parijs.

EN PARTENARIAT AVEC MY VITIBOX - Saviez-vous que notre capitale fût l’une des plus grandes régions viticoles de France ? Paris a un véritable passé vinicole qui a traversé les siècles depuis le début de notre ère.



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A conversation with Paulo Amorim
08 April 2019 17:59
This January, Portugal’s Paulo Amorim was awarded the Chevalier dans l'Ordre du Mérite Agricole, one of France’s major honours bestowed on people working in agriculture. Previous recipients include Louis Pasteur, Pierre Le Roux and Catherine Deneuve.



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A sweet wine revelation that may prove bitter
08 April 2019 17:55
For those who like to accumulate evidence of the way the EU interferes in their lives, the next two or three years are going to be quite fruitful. First, there’s the decision to halt the use of Summer Time across the entire region. Next, there’s the decision to oblige motor manufacturers to produce vehicles that automatically respect speed limits and, most pertinently for readers of this column, in 2021, labels of wine sold in the Community will have to include ingredient listing.



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Getting Funky with Reductive Wines
28 March 2019 18:08
Writers and critics often rave about reductive wines, but what exactly are they? asks



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Eighth edition of The World Atlas of Wine launches
12 March 2019 18:38
Publisher Mitchell Beazley has announced that the Eighth Edition of The World Atlas of Wine, will be published in October. price: £45.



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Cartier Will Sell Its Private Wine Collection to Benefit Charity
12 March 2019 18:26
20 maart is al snel. Vakantiegeld is nog niet binnen en tijd om te sparen is beperkt. smoking smiley



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eto Decanter for Wine Preservation
12 March 2019 10:41
Ik vraag mij af wie zo iets nu gaat kopen? Binnen 48 uur zal een fles toch wel leeg zijn! Bewaren in de koelkast gaat prima.



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